Extraction has always been challenging due to numerous factors. Since it is an integral part of research, it needed to be simplified. Now, automation is becoming more and more important to improve efficiency and standardization within clinical laboratories and is the next step in research.
DNA and RNA are isolated and extracted through both manual and automated techniques within labs, yet manual extraction is very time-intensive and requires complete concentration of the technician performing the procedure. Manual extraction also requires numerous manipulations to the sample and this increases the risk of contamination, but with automated extraction manipulation of the sample and reagents is decreased which reduces the chance of cross-contamination. Another important difference is that extraction is considered high complexity testing, therefore not every lab professional is qualified to perform the process, yet with automated extraction the instruments are only considered moderate complexity testing and therefore can be used by more lab professionals. Along with increased usage by technicians, hands-on time also decreases with automated extraction in comparison with manual methods, which frees up time for the technician to work on more complicated procedures as well as decreases the opportunity of contamination with DNAses or foreign DNA. One of the key benefits of automated extraction is the consistency of the isolated nucleic acid. Not only is automated extraction consistent, it also increases safety.
As technology and demand continue to progress, automated extraction systems which simplify the process and increase the output of extraction will become more and more important. For more information on our revolutionary extraction unit visit its product page or contact us.