Nucleic acid extraction is a complicated, time-consuming process that requires undivided attention, but automated systems are changing that. Now with simple ready-to-use reagent kits and pre-programmed protocols (or customizable options) these systems are becoming easier and easier to integrate into labs.
If you are thinking about introducing one of these systems into your lab, consider some of the main reasons why the Maelstrom series will benefit your nucleic acid extraction workflows.
Eliminates cross-contamination:
Decrease pipetting, manual steps, and manipulation of the sample which reduces external contamination. Due to the precision of automated systems the processes decrease the risk of contaminants. Plus, unlike other techniques, the Maelstrom series mixing technology controls the speed via a rotary apparatus to avoid liquid splashing during extraction.
Increases throughput:
Process up to 96 samples simultaneously, saving you time. Scaling magnifies the benefits of automation. This also allows for more opportunities to complete more tests, or complete other research, making your lab more profitable.
Walk-away solution:
With the Maelstrom series push start and the machine does the rest. Manual extraction takes the full attention of laboratory staff, whereas this automated technology allows the staff to walk away and complete other tasks. The Maelstrom series is more accurate and consistent than other extraction processes and is a completely streamlined extraction system. Automated protocols automate complicated manual steps and execute uniformity during lysis, washing and elution.
Integrated workflow:
You can integrate the automated nucleic acid extraction protocol seamlessly with downstream applications, such as PCR and purification. Considering the sensitivity of the techniques, minor inconsistencies can seriously impact results, providing unreliable data. Streamline your tasks with an automated extraction system to ensure consistent results and reliable data while integrating a simpler workflow.
Reduces errors and increases consistency:
Independent temperature control modules ensure the stability of purification performance and automation can also improve reproducibility compared to manual workflows. Pre-programmed or custom protocols reduce processing time and errors associated with sample preparation. Reducing human intervention, errors and protocol deviations leads to more consistent and reliable results. This is critical for labs, especially labs working with fragile nucleic acids, such as RNA. Ensure greater consistency, reliability and better data with an automated extraction unit.
Increases efficiency and helps to reach project goals faster:
Manual extraction wastes time and cuts down productivity. The rotary mixing technology of the Maelstrom series reduces the extraction time by shortening the time for lysis and increases the contact of magnetic beads and absorption of nucleic acid. The faster, walk-away automated systems allow for your team to do other valuable tasks to reach project goals and publish work faster. When you get faster results with less labor, you can analyze more results, implement new techniques and tools and understand systems better.
Maximizes potential and development:
Instead of the skilled personnel in your lab performing manual extractions with a steep labor cost, automated nucleic acid extraction systems enable the lab team to use their expertise and work on alternate, more challenging tasks or projects to increase their professional development.
While labs often think automated extraction may be too expensive, our Return on Investment analysis often shows that you will actually save money in no time. With a broad list of reagent kits or customizable kits to use with the units along with pre-programmed and customizable protocols, your lab is sure to find what it needs. Plus, the Maelstrom series is faster & less hands-on than the leading competitors’ systems. Contact us for a quote for more information on our systems.